Monday, March 26, 2012

Foreskin Restoration For Circumcised Men

An explanation of what foreskin restoration is
[Reblogged from original at link] 
Besides taking a stance against infant circumcision, the other main component of this blog is discussing my experience with foreskin restoration. I get a lot of questions about what this means, because after all, it’s not an extremely well-known process. That’s not to say it’s obscure- there are literally thousands of people restoring their foreskins. But overall, the existence of restoration is unknown to many. Here I’ll summarize what foreskin restoration entails.
First off, foreskin restoration typically does NOT refer to any type of surgery. Although there are surgical methods of foreskin restoration, the outcome is generally less-than-satisfactory, so not many people choose this option.
Rather, foreskin restoration is done completely by the person himself. It’s a method of tissue expansion in which one tugs/tensions the penile skin, in sessions over a period of time. This tension gradually encourages the development of new skin, until the point that the foreskin is essentially recreated. This is NOT just stretching the skin. Although some temporary stretch tends to occur, the process ultimately results in the development of completely new skin cells. These skin cells take on the properties of the cells they are expanded from. Thus, the end result of foreskin restoration tends to be closer to an “original” foreskin if some of the original foreskin is left over from the circumcision in the first place. But those who lost all of their original foreskin due to circumcision need not worry, restoration will still bring about a foreskin quite similar to the original.
The two main methods of foreskin restoration are manual restoration and restoring with a device. Manual restoration is simply using your hands. There are various tugging exercises you do, either in a couple of 20-minute daily sessions, or several shorter session spread throughout the day. You can also restore using a foreskin restoration device. Over ten of these devices exist, each working slightly differently, but all producing basically the same end result. Whichever device you choose, you wear it on the penis, and it tensions the skin for you. Typically these devices are worn for several hours a day, anywhere from about 4 to 10 hours is recommended. Some devices can be worn while sleeping, while other should only be worn during the day. You’re not limited to either a device or manual restoration- many including myself use both methods. Some even switch off between multiple devices. Although one needs to be dilligent in their routine, you do not need to actively restore every single day- you can take a day, maybe even a week off here and there.
Absolutely anyone with a circumcised penis can restore their foreskin. Although certain methods and devices are limited to men with some slack skin, a man with no slack still has options until he develops it.
Another aspect of restoration is retaining. When someone is far along enough that they can pull the skin over the glans, it is recommended they wear a retainer of sorts to keep the skin there even when they’re not actively restoring. This is not only for comfort, but also promotes glans sensitivity as well as helping to shape the developing foreskin.
A frequent question I get is “Does restoration hurt?” The answer is absolutely not. I will admit that many devices look intimaidating, and the idea of tugging on your penile skin generally just doesn’t sound pleasant. But the key the restoration is, you don’t tug to the point of pain. Just enough to feel tension. Manual restoration may sometimes feel a little strenuous (even then you should probably ease up a little), but NEVER painful. Devices should absolutely never hurt either. If you feel pain, you need to adjust the tension. Besides being painless, devices do not feel uncomfortable, either. A few devices do require a strap that runs down to the knee, and this may not be everyone’s cup of tea, but there are several devices that consist of nothing more than the part that goes on your penis, and these do not feel uncomfortable at all. Sometimes, I forget I’m even wearing my device.
The monetary price of foreskin restoration varies depending on your method/device. Manual restoration, of course, will cost nothing, being a hands-only method. If you use a device, it can coat you anywhere from maybe $10 if you make your own device, to around $50 for a modestly priced (but very effective) device, to about $150 if you go with the most expensive option.
The amount of time it takes to finish restoring depends on various factors, including how much skin was cut off in the first place, how much you want back, what method(s) you use, how well you stick to a routine, and just natural differences between people. A realistic time frame is about 4-6 years. However, some men have been lucky enough to finish in just 2, and others have been restoring for a decade.
The ultimate question: what does one stand to gain from restoring their foreskin? Well, once the glans has been covered consistently for awhile, it will shed its callous, and regain the natural sensitivity it is supposed to have. The same will happen for the inner portion of the foreskin the rests against the head. For those who lost the foreskin’s slackness as a result of circumcision, this mobility will be fully restored, leading to more comfortable and pleasurable sex and masturbation. The penis will generally feel more comfortable against clothing, since the glans is no longer rubbing up against underwear constantly. And of course, there’s obviously the emotional value of regaining something that was taken from you, as well.
What doesn’t get restored? Well, a restored foreskin is not quite as snug as an original, so unwanted retractions may occur more frequently. The frenulum, if removed, cannot be restored either. Even those who have a frenulum remnant have a harder time expanding that tissue. But despite the losses that are permanent, the benefits of restoration are great enough to justify the process. Men who were circumcised in adulthood and then restored their foreskins (in other words, those who have experienced all 3 states: intact, circumcised, and restored) typically report the following: if the sexual pleasure felt with an original foreskin can be rated as a 10, circumcised pleasure can be rated anywhere from a 1 to a 5, and restored pleasure a 7 to a 9.
Hey, I’ll take as much as I can get back as possible. And that’s why I restore.
As always, if anyone is curious or has any questions regarding the process, feel free to ask.
Here is just a handful of good restoration resources:

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